Carrot Dreams and Scrum Schemes: A Hopping Conversation Between Howard and Britta

Step into the captivating world of “Follow… the Path of Ray, Howard, and Britta,” where the dynamic duo, Howard and Britta, navigate the intricate landscape of modern work dynamics and team management. Join us as we eavesdrop on a thought-provoking conversation between these two protagonists, delving into the realm of personal goals and incentives within … Read more

Pioneering work in logistics: the success story of ReG Inc.

The ReG Inc. ReG Inc. is a global technology company headquartered in the logistics metropolis of Hamburg, Germany. Founded in 2000 by logistics pioneers Henrik Regman and Greta Sustan, ReG Inc. has established itself as a leading provider of customized software solutions for the logistics industry. History of ReG Inc. The roots of ReG Inc. … Read more

Embracing Agile Pragmatism: Howard’s Quest for Balance

Welcome to the Captivating World of “Follow … the Path of Ray, Howard, and Britta” 📚 In this thought-provoking tale, Howard and Britta, our protagonists, embark on an enthralling journey through the realms of Agile philosophy. Brace yourself for a story that explores the essence of Agile, its transformative power, and the invaluable lessons it … Read more

You can’t become agile with a waterfall plan

To achieve business agility, it may be hard to believe that you don’t need a plan (waterfall plan) up front, in some cases called a transformation plan. You do indeed need a transformation process, which in the simplest case can consist of iterations that you inset and adjust at the end of each iteration.You should … Read more

a retrospective, an important way to improve as a team

If you want to improve as a team, it is crucial to not only review the product you deliver on a regular basis, but also you as a team need to review their work process. A good retrospective will help you as a team improve your work process to provide better products for the customer. … Read more

Heart of Agile from Alistair Cockburn

The Heart of Agile from Alistair Cockburn

Ken was very happy to have the opportunity to talk with Alistair Cockburn about the agile manifesto and furthermore about the Heart of Agile. Ken also felt that many agile frameworks are very complicated and not agile at all .. The Heart of Agile The agile manifesto was created many years ago. Since then, agile … Read more

Kanban vs. Scrum – how to avoid annoying comparisons

You should not waste your time with discussions like which framework is right for you, the usual Kanban vs. Scrum discussion. No framework fits. You need to focus on your customer and figure out what product they really need and offer your customer the right product. Silke and Britta from ReG Inc. often have these … Read more

Digital Self-Management with the Justice Board to empower

In the article “The four Levels of Autonomy – J.R. Hackman” we talked about 4 different levels of autonomy. If you want to enable your team or teams to self-manage, digital self-management can help as well. What does that mean exactly? In order to make the right decisions as a team, you need a bunch of … Read more

Agile for Hardware Development – how to tackle

In this „Agile for Hardware Development – how to tackle“ post, Ken will discuss how hardware developers can apply agile methodologies (e.g. Scrum) and principles to their work. Agile is a great way for hardware developers to manage product development, because it allows them to track progress at any given time while also giving them … Read more